Changing the world is possible.
We’ve done it before.

A Dynamic Association for Dynamic Businesses

The Association of Small, Medium, and Micro Business Enterprises in Botswana (ASMMEB) is an organization driven by the ambition of local business owners. We acknowledge the significant impact that small businesses have on a vibrant, equitable, and inclusive economy, and we're committed to promoting a regulatory environment that allows these enterprises to thrive.

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Our Vision: A Vibrant Economy 

Our vision is to establish a diversified economy powered by the success and growth of SMMEs in Botswana and beyond. We believe in the enormous potential of SMMEs as potent drivers of economic development, job creation, and societal change.

Our Mission: Advocacy and Growth

Our mission is to consistently advocate for the establishment of appropriate legislation, policies, and regulatory frameworks that benefit SMMEs. We are committed to lobbying for support at all relevant national platforms and championing the cause of SMMEs through targeted activities and initiatives.

Our Approach: Collaboration and Support

Our approach is centered around collective action and mutual support. We create opportunities for our members to learn from each other, collaborate on shared initiatives, and develop strong networks that can help their businesses grow. Through policy advocacy, networking events, education, business support, and information services, we enable our members to thrive in Botswana's evolving business landscape.

Join ASMMEB today and become a part of a dynamic collective shaping the future of SMMEs in Botswana. We are your partners in growth, success, and in creating a more equitable and inclusive economic landscape.

Remember this is just a start

Your journey with Association of Small Medium and Micro Enterprise Businesses in Botswana  is filled with numerous opportunities and impactful collaborations.

Changing the world is possible.
We’ve done it before.